Extending CRM / Sales for Q360 by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic TL;DR Syncing customer, contact, and opportunity data between systems. Isolating client lists based on past purchases and conducting targeted email marketing campaigns. Targeted campaigns for upgradin... Custom Integrations HubSpot Odoo Q360
Advanced Calendar Integration for Q360 by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic TL;DR Syncing customer, contact, and opportunity data between systems. Isolating client lists based on past purchases and conducting targeted email marketing campaigns. Targeted campaigns for upgradin... Custom Integrations Google Suite Office 365 Q360
Rubi Echo by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Employee safety check-ins for those working alone or at night. AlayaCare Home Care
HRMS / Payroll Integration with Q360 by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Effortless Integration of Employee Data, Payroll, and Expenses Between HRMS/HRIS Systems and Q360 Payroll Q360
Solutions for AlayaCare by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Explore some of the solutions we have created for AlayaCare - including ledger sync, SMS automations, payroll integrations. Q360
AlayaCare Data Migration by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Rubi Works offers efficient, accurate data migration services for AlayaCare that keep disruptions low and reliability high. AlayaCare Data Migration Home Care
Business Intelligence for Q360 by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Customer business intelligence solutions for Q360 ERP extending the native LD and Dashboard capabilites. Business Intelligence Q360
JazzHR for Home Care by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Integrate AlayaCare and other Home Care platforms with JazzHR applicant tracking. AlayaCare Axxess Home Care JazzHR
Solutions for Edge Members by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Quarterly purchase report designed for Edge members using Q360. Q360 Workflow & Data Automation
Pricelist Management by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Simplify and optimize your product catalogs, SKUs, and vendor pricing Q360 Systems Integrators / AV Workflow & Data Automation
Solutions for Invoiced by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Automate your invoicing with flexible integrations that connect your ERP, CRM, and SaaS tools for faster, more accurate billing. AR Automation Custom Integrations Invoiced
Data Migration by Rubi Works LLC, Luka Bajic Rubi Works offers efficient, accurate data migration services that keep disruptions low and reliability high. AlayaCare Data Migration Home Care Invoiced Q360 Systems Integrators / AV