Allows you to send targeted SMS messages to employees using standard Alayacare filters.
Shout is an Alayacare connected module that allows users to send targeted SMS notifications to employees (clients and contacts possible in the future).
- The Shout module provides the user with the ability to generate a list of employees using various filters like branch, department, group, status, and designation selections.
- Once satisfied with the filter selection, the user can preview the list of recepients and narrow it down by unchecking / checking specific recepients.
- Then, all that is left is to compose a targeted message and press send. You can then review the message history in the history tab.
Sends visit reminders for employees, late visit alerts to the office and much more.
The Sparkles Module is a component of Rubi Space designed to enhance communication and compliance within AlayaCare by automating notifications based on specific visit data rules. When a "sparkle" is triggered, it evaluates visit information against predefined criteria and sends notifications accordingly.
Key Features:
- Upcoming Visit Reminders: Notify employees and clients about upcoming visits.
- Birthday/Anniversary Notifications: Acknowledge staff milestones to foster engagement.
- Late Clock-In/Clock-Out Alerts: Alert employees first, followed by office staff, if there are delays in clocking in or out.
Rules-Driven Engine:
The module allows targeting specific branches, service codes, facilities, or client/employee groups. It's important to note that "facilities" refer to client visits associated with facilities, not facility visits themselves.
Notification Methods:
- Employee SMS: Sent to the employee's main phone number.
- Client SMS: Sent to the client's main phone number.
- Office SMS: Directed to a designated number for back-office staff.
- Office Email: Dispatched to one or multiple office email addresses.
- Employee Email: (Coming soon)
- Client Email: (Coming soon)
- Webhook: Notifications can be sent to an HTTP endpoint for integration with platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams.
Notifications can be customized using dynamic tokens related to employee, client, or visit information, ensuring messages are personalized while adhering to HIPAA/PHIPA regulations.
Sends expiring skill reminders to employees so that your staff is ready to work.
Launch sends expiring skill reminders to employees so that your staff is ready to work. Launch is made up of 🎯 skills and 🔔notifications. Launch runs once a day and evaluates employee skills to see if there are expiring skills in the future that employees should contact you about today. You will need to make several decisions so that we can configure - we can restrict notifications based on:
- Employee branch, department, groups, statuses
- All skills with expirations or specific list of skills that you provide
- Notification intervals - for example 30/60/90 days in advance, or some other interval.
Example Launch Settings
- 30/60/90 day advance SMS reminder to all active employees for expiring CPR, CNA, LPN, and / or RN license
Criteria | Shuttle Plan | Station Plan | Modules | Notes |
This plan is best for | SBAs | Complex MBAs Cluster FOs | 🌌All Modules | FOs - Franchise Owners MBAs - Multi-Branch Agencies SBAs - Single-Branch Agencies |
Ability to provision SMS number per branch | ❌ | ✔ | 🌌All Modules | Each Alayacare branch or group that you subcribe with Rubi Space can have their own dedicated SMS number with Twilio. |
Users can be assigned access to one or many branches | ❌ | ✔ | 🌌All Modules | Users of Rubi Space can be restricted to only interacting with the branches or groups assigned to them. |
Branch specific configurations | ❌ | ✔ | 🚀Launch🕓Sparkles | Rules and notifications can be configured differently for each branch (or group). |
Alternate setup using Alayacare groups | ❌ | ✔ | 🌌All Modules | Some multi-branch locations choose to use Alayacare groups rather than branches to organize their clients and employees. |
Multi-module Discount | 10% | 10% | 🌌All Modules | Combining 2 or more modules automatically reduces the monthly subscription. |
Message Costs | Your Twilio Account | Your Twilio Account | 🌌All Modules | Rubi Works does not charge for the messages sent. We rely on Twilio for this and will help you open an account if you don't have one already. See FAQs below. |
Time to Go-Live | 1-2 weeks | 2+ weeks | 🌌All Modules | Depending on the complexity of the configuration, we can be as fast as 1 week or could need some time if you require us to develop features in order to sign up |
- Proposal - Rubi Works will present you with a quotation / proposal based on the modules you select. Bundling modules saves $, so please consider it.
- Ticket / Project - Upon acceptance, we will open a ticket and provide all of the most current instructions regarding the onboarding process.
- Alayacare API Keys - Alayacare will assist you in getting your API keys for Rubi Space as part of the onboarding process. They will securely share the API keys with us.
- Setting up Twilio - if you have a Twilio account great! If not, we will set up a meeting to open an account with you. You are responsible for the Twilio account and the cost of all the messages that you send using Rubi Space.
- Rubi Space Configuration - we will ask you to fill out our ⚙ Rubi Space Configuration Form - we can also do this together if you prefer.
- Deployment & Testing - after we get everything we need, we will deploy and test your configuration.
- Go Live - we set a date together for go live and we flip the switch!
- Support / Changes - if you need any changes made to the module configurations, you can submit a support request.
We have a Twilio account, what should we do?
- If you have an account, let us know during the configuration process.
What type of phone number will we have?
Currently, we only support long-code Twilio numbers. This means that each of your locations will have a full phone number (123) 456-7890.
Where are email notifications sent from?
Currently, all email notifications are sent form Please make sure to whitelist this email address in order to receive office notifications.
What phone fields in Alayacare are used for Clients and Employee notifications?
SMS notifications go to the phone_main field in Alayacare for both Clients and Employees
Are there any limitations with the message sending?
We limit text message length to 2 segments so that carriers do not block it as spam.
Recipients can reply STOP or UNSUBSCRIBE - if they do so you will not be able to send them a message (more details here).
What happens if someone responds to a message?
We issue a standard "no-reply" response and forward their message to an email of your choosing.
Please note that you cannot respond to Homecare Agency alerts. To contact Homecare Agency please call (123) 456-7890 or email
Rubi Works uses your Twilio account and service for message delivery - the account is yours and all Twilio costs are your responsibility.
For region specific pricing:
- USA -
- Canada -
- Australia -
Sample Calculation
- Cost of the number - $1 or $2 per month for each phone number
- Cost per message - US and CA is $0.0075 per segment (160 characters)
We are making an assumption of 100 visits per day and a single Sparkles configuration.
100 visits / day365 days / year
1 segment per message (less than 160 characters) *
$ 0.0075 per message = 100 * 365 * 1 * 0.0075 = $273.75 per year for 100 visits a day notifying 100 employees every day about a visit coming up
- Add another reminder - if you have a 24 hour in advance, then an 1 hour in advance - double up the cost.
- Add a late clock in alert - assuming that 10% of employees do not clock in on time, add another 10% based on $273.75
It's all driven by the number of visits per day / month / year that the agency has and the number of sparkles configured to notify someone about those visits.
For the shout module (free form text message blast) it depends on how many recepients and how often you message them.
Shout Module Flow
- User logs into Rubi Space front end
- User configures various filters to select group of employees
- branch, group, department, designation, status
- App service requests list of employees based on filters and validates phone numbers for format. Invalid phones (recipients) are not selectable for sending
- User reviews list and further narrows recipient selection
- User composes message and confirms sending
Sparkles / Launch Module Flow
- Sparkles and Launch are configured to run on a schedule
- Based on the rules and notifications assigned to the sparkle, the app service will make a sequence of calls to Alayacare API:
- All visit related sparkles will get visits
- All rules that include / exclude branches, include / exclude service codes, include / exclude visits tied to facilities, evaluate clock in / out status get visit details
- All rules that include / exclude client groups or notifications that require client related tokens get client details
- All rules that include / exclude employee groups or notifications that require employee related tokens get employee details
- All skill expiration sparkles will get employees and get skills for each employee
Please use the response below during the upgrade process if requested from Twilio.
What Twilio products do you plan on using? Please outline your use case or what you intend to build with Twilio.
Twilio is being used to facilitate the use of Rubi Space
- Rubi Works, software developer of Rubi Space, requires each agency to maintain their own Twilio account. They are added as administrators on the project to deploy the above services.
Notification Service
- Mass messaging employees for company relevant updates
Messaging Service
- Sending employee responsibility reminders
- Employee Visit Notification sample message:
Hello John Smith, you have an upcoming client visit at 1:00PM tomorrow. Please reach out to <COMPANY NAME> if you have any questions.
- Sending clients upcoming visit reminders
- Auto-respond to employees/clients with a No-Reply message
- No-Reply sample message:
NO REPLY: If you wish to reach <COMPANY NAME>, then please call <PHONENUMBER> or email <COMPANY SUPPORT EMAIL>. To opt out of alerts, reply STOP
Will you be using Twilio for personal or professional use?
- Professional use
If for professional use, please provide a link to your website/app and your association with the brand/company.
- Rubi Space integrates with Alayacare, our scheduling software.
- The onboarding process of clients and employees includes a demographics gathering process as well as a communications consent. This data is stored in the Scheduling software, AlayaCare.
AlayaCare Opt-In Form